4 Areas an Accountability Partner Can Make a Difference in Your Life

Before we dive into where an accountability partner could be beneficial, you should know just how powerful they are. 76% of people who create a plan and share progress with an accountability partner are able to reach their goals. Compare this to the only 8% of people who follow through with New Year’s resolutions successfully.
1. Exercise
Many of us have aspirations of training for a 5k, finally getting into yoga, or just trying to move more in general. Even when you have lots of motivation, you can get stuck and lose momentum — this is where an accountability partner comes in.
What does fitness accountability look like?
Fitness accountability can help you stick to a consistent workout schedule, motivate you to get out of a rut, or push you to take your routine to the next level. Usually it includes sharing your workout plans, getting help with forming realistic goals, and assessing your progress in a thoughtful and motivational way. It’s helpful to have somebody check-in and not only celebrate wins but also discuss any exercise roadblocks you’re facing, even if they're’ just there to listen or help you brainstorm.
What should I look for in my fitness accountability partner?
If you’re looking in your personal or social network, it helps to work with someone who has similar goals so you can hold each other accountable or even exercise together. If you don’t have a friend or family member that’s a good fit, you may find a good fit through an online fitness groups. Facebook can be a good resource as can online forums (like meetup.com) which have categories specific to running, sports, hiking and other physical activities.
If you’d like to pay a professional, like a personal trainer, we recommend starting your search at your local gym — most have “1st session free” and other package deals. We’re a bit biased, but we’ve seen our text-based accountability support work really well on its own and alongside these other forms of exercise accountability.
2. Healthy Eating
You’re going to spend roughly 32,098 hours eating in your lifetime — no wonder it greatly impacts your wellbeing. A balanced diet has been shown to fight disease, increase energy levels, and improve longevity, but as we all know, there are many pitfalls that can derail us. Most of us have to work hard to replace unhealthy habits we picked up early in life and manage the habits of people around us as well.
What does healthy eating accountability look like?
Accountability for healthy eating usually revolves around sticking to a meal plan, picking healthy options at the grocery store, preparing food ahead, tracking your nutrient and calorie intake, making healthier choices when eating out, or sticking to healthy portion sizes.
What should I look for in my healthy eating accountability partner?
Once again, it’s great to have someone you share health goals with as an accountability partner. For example, if you’d like to stick to consistently meal prepping on Sundays, you can partner up with a friend or family member that’s trying to do the same. You can help each other develop a strong shopping list, stay accountable to going to the store, cook your food, and eat it throughout the week instead of turning to takeout. A good accountability partner will be someone who can be non-judgemental yet grounded in their approach, which can be tough when it comes to close relationships. Sometimes it helps to turn to a nutritionist, meal planning service, or professional accountability partner (like us 😉).
3. Professional Life
Whether you’re growing your own business, trying to get noticed in a corporate environment, or improving your trade, growth at work can be both fulfilling and challenging. For many of us, a large portion of our days is spent at work so it’s an important area of life!
What does professional accountability look like?
Having a peer or mentor willing to hold you accountable to professional growth can be a big career accelerator. They can make sure your resume is top-notch, hold you accountable to going to networking events, motivate you to continue an entrepreneurial persuit, or push you to advocate for yourself. This is particularly helpful for those working in remote or solo jobs where there is no one to physically observe your work and progress.
What should I look for in my professional accountability partner?
While peer support is often easier to find, an experienced mentor can provide valuable insight beyond your own experiences. Start by reaching out to an old or current boss, professor, LinkedIn connection, family member, or friend who has experience in your field. Worst case scenario they just say “no,”! If you’re ready to make some big changes you can also hire a career coach. In general, it helps to pick someone who understands the field you’re in and can meet in person or through video chat. Together you can schedule regular sessions where you can discuss what milestones have been reached, what did or didn’t work, and what goals to set until the next meeting.
4. Personal Growth
It can be easy to put some of the other goals we’ve listed above your personal growth goals such as making new friends, being more reflective through journaling or meditation, or expanding your horizons through travel or reading. Oftentimes it’s the small goals and achievements that add up and create more happy moments in our lives.
What does personal accountability look like?
When it comes to personal goals, an accountability partner can help you stay on track in learning a new subject or skill, even when there’s no instructor, through setting up check in points to report progress or roadblocks. Sometimes tasks may seem intimidating in scope, but an accountability partner can help keep you motivated through each step, no matter how small. From finally reading that book, developing a journaling habit, improving your tennis serve, or just trying to be more mindful, where there is a goal there is the possibility for an accountability partner to make a difference.
What should I look for in my personal growth accountability partner?
As long as you reach out to a trustworthy individual, show them your plan, and ask them to hold you accountable, you can leverage the power of an accountability partner for almost any personal goal. A best friend or small group with a similar goal, availability, and commitment can go a really long way. If it's for a more specialized hobby, reach out to your fellow enthusiasts. Even if it feels niche, there is a very good chance there’s an online forum or local meetup group that shares your passion and is equipped to be supportive. You can even use Wishroute for something as simple as practicing mindfulness with our newest program — Staying Mindful, Moving and Motivated at Home.
Is Wishroute the right accountability partner for my goals?
Wishroute is a text message-based service that connects you with a team of professional accountability partners, known as Wishroute guides, who help you reach your wellness goals through personalized planning and daily check-ins. Wishroute is always judgment-free, will keep you inspired and motivated, and will never forgot to check-in 😉 If your goal is to eat healthier by meal planning and prepping, eating more veggies, developing healthier snacking habits or reducing added sugar, try Wishroute’s healthy eating route! If your goal is to up your exercise game, try Wishroute’s exercise route! Start you free trial today and see what the power of accountability can do for your life -- just hit the "get started" button on the nav bar!
Not ready to sign up for Wishroute? Complete these quick prompts to get moving in the right direction:
- A habit I’d like accountability for is____________
- One thing I should look for in my accountability partner is__________
- One place or person I can reach out to for accountability now is___________